Reminder: Todd and Chris did not come from the same set of testicles or the same set of ovaries.
Happy Friday! ...
It is our sincere wish that you take on the physical challenges in 2025 that help you grow in all aspects of your life. Happy New Year! Kick some ass in 2025. ...
It’s the final Monday of 2024. It’s time to BELIEVE you can do more in 2025. ...
The goal of the plank is not to flex our torso, like a sit up, but to maintain position. Gravity is trying to force our lower back to arch, but we resist.
Sure, the core is able to flex forward and bend and twist, which all has its place, but controlling our torso is key.
Because when performing an exercise in the gym, whether that’s a deadlift, squat, or lunge, we must maintain position as we move; not only for safety’s sake, but to produce the most force. No core stability means we’re not in the best position to be successful. For example, rounding your back while deadlifting is not only less safe, but you will produce less force in that position.
These “walk” variations are a great way to… step up (😉)… your static plank game.
We use planks in a variety of places throughout our programs:
➡️ as part of a power circuit before our main lifts
➡️ during a mixed modal aerobic circuit (see last wednesdays post)
➡️ mixed into our assistance work after our main lifts
And no, not all of those at once…
Click the link in our profile and schedule your FREE intro to Beyond Strength. Train hard and smart and get where you want to go in 2025… ...
What are you committing to in 2025?
If you don’t have anything on the calendar that fills that tummy of yours with butterflies, it’s time to fill in some dates with some hard shit you plan to do.
Commitments make training decisions easy. You know you have to do the work or you’ll get your ass kicked.
They also narrow training priorities so you do the right work at the right time.
So, what’ll it be?
Take some time on this fine Monday to either get something inked on the calendar or to put some ideas down in pencil that you can ink on the calendar before 2025 gets too old. ...
Here’s how our clients get results at Beyond Strength:
✅They’re consistent
✅They embrace the uncomfortable pace…which is often slower than what the influencers want you to believe
✅They seek challenge
✅They roll with the punches
✅They have a short memory and move on when things don’t go as planned, and for their successes…the show goes forward!
If you’re the kind of person that likes how those values sound, click the link in our profile and schedule your free intro. ...
Want a killer 2025? Start by asking yourself good questions before the end of 2024 👉🏻 ...
Consistently good beats occasionally great.
Progress beats perfection every day of the week…especially on Monday.
Show up and do the damn thing today; don’t wait for perfect conditions.
Happy Monday. ...
Flashback to isometric interviews when we asked people who were already uncomfortable, uncomfortable questions!
Have yourself a nice weekend! ...
Knowing your big picture is the best way to care for yourself. ...
A Note on Self-Honesty 👇🏻
You can’t bullsh*t yourself and expect to make progress.
Radical self-honesty is necessary, otherwise you end up stagnating or going backwards.
And you won’t take the uncomfortable action you must to continue moving forward and getting results.
Tell yourself the truth and get after it this week.
Happy Monday. ...
A lot of people miss out on progress…
Because it dresses in dirty clothes and looks like work. ...
True readiness to take on any challenge or activity requires well-rounded training, not just a relatively active lifestyle.
But so many people “take it easy on themselves” and think they’ll just be able to do the thing when the time comes.
Or they hit their 30s or 40s and start telling themselves that they’re getting older, not realizing that their mindset is slowly killing their body and spirit.
It’s unfortunate and it’s common.
If you want to stay ready, you have to prepare your body to stay ready with…
Click the link in our profile to schedule your FREE intro and we’ll build the readiness you need to do whatever you want. ...
Whatever the challenge, can you say yes?
Can you put your toes on the line and run the race?
Can you do the hike with the gnarly vertical ascent?
Can you kayak all day?
Can you do whatever you want knowing that your body is up for it?
Because if you can’t say yes, your training is failing you.
It’s time for a change. It’s time to join Beyond Strength.
We train people to say yes.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your free intro, and say yes. ...
Blast off.
It’s Monday, a great day to commit and kick ass.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your FREE intro. You’ll meet with Chris and set a course you can commit to that takes you to your training goals. ...
Looking for a cardio workout to do this weekend that won’t bore the absolute sh*t out of you?
We got you. Check this out 👆🏻 ...
Instead of just listing nice ideas…👉🏻 ...
Our mission is to prepare you, to train you, and to inspire you to live physically.
Because life is a lot f*ckin cooler when you can use your body to do whatever it is you want to do.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your Free Intro and let’s get physical, not in like a weird way or anything. But with strength and conditioning. ...
Get more out of your strength training!
Sure getting a pump is cool.
And we all want to be strong.
But the most important thing is how you use that strength when it matters.
You need access to your strength over time and as you build fatigue.
Extensive strength training gives you that.
But you need intensive strength training to raise your strength ceiling.
Without both, you won’t reach your strength and endurance potential.
Click the link in our profile to join our Hybrid Training Tips email series. ...
Comfort is a slow death … 👉🏻 ...
Exhale. Squeeze the weights. Do another rep.
That’s how you party on a Monday.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your FREE intro. Set the training trajectory you need to get the results you want. ...
Everything’s easier when you’re strong.
Click the link in our profile to join our Hybrid Training Tips email series. ...
We got your winter mojo right here 👉🏻 ...
Comfort leads to complacency.
Complacency leads to loss or never having.
Want to do something this week that moves your fitness and your life forward?
Do the thing you normally avoid because it’s uncomfortable.
Use your Monday. ...
How do you get the best possible training results?
Stick around to the end for some nice bloopers. 💃🏻 ...
Think power training only for athletes? Think again 👉🏻 ...
Your challenge is YOUR challenge.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing.
What does matter is committing to your own challenge and seeing it through.
Click the link in our bio to schedule your FREE intro. We’ll set the course toward YOUR next challenge. ...
Not sure how to set your feet for squatting?
We got you! 👊🏻
Click the link in our profile to sign up for Hybrid Performance tips email series and get 5 days of training tips delivered right to your inbox! ...
Want to do double sessions? Check this out 👉🏻 ...
Consistently good beats occasionally great.
That means showing up on Monday and taking what’s there even if you don’t feel like it, even if you know it won’t be a recorded setting day.
The only record that truly matters is how well you string together consistent training weeks, months, and years.
That’s how you get, and keep, results. ...
Put hard stuff on the calendar and do it with great people.
This shot is from our Kettlebell Mile Challenge in May.
@itsbeyondstrength members (and some very cool folks that aren’t yet members 😉) came out to see how fast they could cover a mile while holding a kettlebell in one hand.
We all had a blast and folks surprised the hell out of themselves with how well they did.
Sprinkling challenging events throughout the calendar year makes decision making easy because it sets your priorities.
Even if you don’t know exactly what to do (that’s where we come in) you at least have a direction to go and the ability eliminate the nonessential.
If you’re not sure how to set priorities with your training, put a commitment on the calendar.
Click the link in our bio to schedule your FREE intro and we’ll get those training priorities dialed in.
#fitnesscoach ...
You read it right…
If it happens fast, it won’t last.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your FREE intro and let’s get you moving at the right pace.
#onlinetraining ...
It’s important to remember your successes.
They prove you’re capable.
But it’s just as important not to dwell on them.
Have a short memory so you don’t become one of those people with a bad case of the used-to-coulds.
You don’t want to be that.
Because if you dwell too much on past success you don’t welcome in the person you could become through future accomplishments.
And you definitely want to meet that person.
Click the link in our bio to schedule your FREE intro.
#loudouncountyva ...
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it on this fine Monday, is to seek a challenge. Find one damn thing today and push yourself with it more than you usually would. That’s a simple one, right? Question is, will you do it?
Click the link in our profile to schedule your Free Intro. Local to Loudoun County? Come do your Free Intro in person. Anywhere else in the world, we’ll hop on the phone and discuss how to get you the strength and endurance necessary to do whatever you want outside the gym.
#endurancetraining ...
We’re all human, we’ve all let comfortable negligence take something from us – or keep us from getting something that we wanted. Comfort leads to complacency. Complacency leads to loss or to never having.
It happens in relationships. Comfort causes us to settle in and assume the other person is getting what they need from us. We stop doing the little things that let them know we care. The connection dwindles. Sometimes it’s rebuilt, other times it fades away.
It happens with businesses. Owners and entrepreneurs get comfortable doing what they did to get themselves to a particular point. That comfort keeps them doing the same things over and over. Then they’re surprised when it stops working. The things that got them to the first level won’t get them to the second. But comfort blinded them to it.
It happens in training. People get comfortable with a training split and do it over and over for years on end. They make no changes, so they stop changing. Comfort stole their potential progress.
Comfort is a thief that steals from us a penny at a time when we aren’t looking.
Click the link in our profile to schedule your FREE intro.
#loudouncountyva ...