
How's Your #stayathome Self-Care?

Take the quiz, hit submit, and we’ll send over our book, #StayAtHome Self-Care: 7 Health and Fitness Tips to Stay Active and Sane During the Lockdown—complete with 7 impactful tips that you can immediately take action with to make the most of your quarantine + some awesome FREE bonuses.

Think holistically about where you currently are with the following components of self-care.

A rating of "1" is the lowest self-rating, whereas a "5" would mean you feel that you're doing great.

1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree
1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree

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