(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166


Brad squatting at Beyond Strength in Sterling, Virginia

How to Select the Right Strength Exercises for Your Strength and Endurance Program: Part 1

There’s a silly, old Goodwrench commercial featuring Stephen Colbert. He walks around a GM Goodwrench garage interviewing the different fellas that work there in a sly effort to tout the lengths to which the company goes to improve their service. At the end of the commercial, Colbert asks a mechanic, “If Mr. Goodwrench were a...
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Coach Rony running a class at Beyond Strength

This Ain’t Fitness Tinder—We’re Here for Commitment

If you’re looking for a free trial class, I want you to know that I understand where you’re coming from. Our lives are saturated with try-before-you-buy scenarios. We test-drive cars. We swing through Costco for a meal’s worth of free samples. Mobile apps offer free 7-day trials, as do TV streaming services (after they get...
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The Self-Care Lie Pt 4: Acting with Care for Self

If you missed them, make sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series.   Have you ever taken a bath? I mean as an adult, of course you did as a kid. I sure did. My mom would yell up the stairs to make sure I washed instead of...
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The Self-Care Lie Part 3: Crafting Your Values

If you missed them, make sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.     Have you ever noticed how cold a barbell can be even in warm weather? Leaning on it, the knurling digs a little into your forearms while the steel contrasts the warmth of your skin. It always...
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Purpose is the foundation of self-care

The Self-Care Lie Part 2: Finding Your Purpose

“That’s great, but what do I do now?”   I’ve asked myself that question so many times after finishing a book that offers guidance for personal or professional development. I get about halfway through the book, and I’m like, “This mafuckah spittin!” Then I finish the book and I realize that they didn’t do much...
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A picture of what most picture as a self-care environment

The Self-Care Lie: Why Comfort Won’t Solve Your Problems

I’m not one to tell people how they ought to think. Folks have the right to think whatever they want. I do, however, like to challenge perspectives and make people think. I believe getting someone to say, “Huh, well I never thought of that way.” is one of the most powerful gifts we can give...
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Embrace The Uncomfortable Pace

My friend Jordan has a brutally honest flag hanging behind the squat rack in his home gym. It reads: Comfort is a Slow Death. The fabric of the flag is yellow, and the type is bold and blue – it arcs across the middle of the flag. I love seeing it every time he sends...
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Is Your Gym Goal Worth It?

On a sunny spring day in 2012, I sat beside my girlfriend at the time as we looked out over the Juniata River. We were on top of one of Central Pennsylvania’s small, rolling mountains. We’d finished a hike called the 1,000 Steps and did a little exploring afterwards. I realized how tired I was...
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A Huge Benefit of Doing Cardio You Probably Don’t Know About

Slowing down is part of aging. It’s a deal with no opt out. That being said, there’s a lot that we can do to fight off age-related cognitive decline. Sleep, stress management, and nutrition are huge factors. But so is exercise, specifically what most people call cardio. (We call it aerobic training.) Did that shit...
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4 Stoic Quotes for Tough Workouts

I love Stoic philosophy. The Stoics have been my guides since I was a teenager. I’ve burned through copies of Epictetus’s Discourses and The Enchiridion. My copy of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations is thumb worn, and I’ve bought more copies for friends than I could ever remember. The minds of these good men have molded my...
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How to Plan a Hybrid Athlete Training Week

There’s a lot to get in during a week of hybrid athlete training. It takes intelligent planning to get it all in without burning yourself out – and to get the best possible results.   We take a counterintuitive approach that a lot of other hybrid coaches disagree with. But, tell ya what, we don’t...
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How a Hybrid Athlete Should Plan Their Training Day

Hybrid athlete training requires a delicate balance between training and recovery. More so than other forms of training because you’re stressing the body in multiple ways during the same training program. And that often means two totally different types of workouts on the same training day.    That is a lot to manage if you’re...
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Lauren doing endurance training at Beyond Strength in Sterling, Virginia

4 Reasons Why Your Endurance Plateaued

You’re not getting faster and you’re not able to go for longer. Your endurance has plateaued. You’re consistently training, and you think you’re doing the right things to improve. But you aren’t? What in the heck gives?   It might be that you’re chasing exercise feelings while skipping out on the most important aspects of...
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Khatera and Kate training in Nike Retcon gym shoes at Beyond Strength in Sterling, VA

What Shoes Should You Wear to the Gym?

Gym shoes are an important, but often overlooked, piece of gym equipment. Folks make sure their shirts are right and their shorts are on point, then they show up to deadlift in cushy-soled running shoes that have them standing about four inches taller than they really are. That, my friend, is not how to set...
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some training weeks are HARD

How to Nail a Difficult Training Week: Skills and Tactics for Managing Increased Training Stress

Difficult training weeks are a part of the fitness process. You might curse your coach and everyone who’s ever loved them while you’re in the thick of hard a session, but we need those sessions to push ourselves forward. The rub is that we must be smart about how we approach them. But the good...
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Gaming Your Wearables: How to Beat Your Fitness Trackers Instead of Them Beating You

Lots of folks are hooked up to wearables and fitness trackers nowadays. I’m one of them. So are many of the Beyond Strength members. People are sporting Oura rings and Whoop bands. They’re checking their HRV with Morpheus and monitoring their recovery on their Garmin watches. The question is: how is all of this technology...
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How to Track Your Fitness Progress

We all want to see the fruits of our labor, right? Why would we do anything, other than something that’s purely pleasurable, if we can’t eventually note measurable progress? Well, unless we are seeing measurable results, or we’re getting some kind of pleasure, we typically stop doing the thing. So, we need to give ourselves...
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How to Set Good Goals

You want to set some goals, but you aren’t sure where to start. You wonder what even defines a goal as good. Well, let’s talk about it. We’ll start by assessing your goal-setting skill and we’ll talk about the two different types of goals and how they support each other. Then we’ll have a chat...
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Live Physically in 2024

There is a section of a creek here in Loudoun County that’s near and dear to my heart. It’s a secret, so I won’t tell you where it is. My friend Dave Hudgens (pictured above) showed it to me, and his friend showed it to him a long time ago. Over the past few years,...
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everyday adventure

Live Your Everyday Adventure

My friend Leann, who’s more of a sister, has a saying that I’m about to steal from her. It’s an entire philosophy, a way of living and being, condensed down into two words. The phrase will change how you see your life, and the world, if you let it sink into you and try to...
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Working Out During the Winter: How to Maintain Your Training Momentum During the Cold, Dark Months

“Man, it’s dark when I start working and it’s dark when I’m done. I had to watch the sunset from a meeting room today.”     A Beyond Strength member recently said that to me at the end of class. While he still made it to the gym that day, he outlined why a lot...
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Libby training at Beyond Strength during a muscle growth (hypertrophy) phase

3 Ways to Increase Muscle Growth

We started the final phase of our strength and hypertrophy training block this week. In honor of that, we’re talking about muscle growth and how you can increase yours. There’s a lot of convoluted information out there, so I’m going to do you a solid and make it simple. Muscle growth isn’t complicated. It just...
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When Can You Expect Results from Training?

When Can You Expect Results from Training?

“When will this start working? When will I feel the results? When can I expect to get _________?”   Fill in the blank: abs, faster, stronger, bigger, etc.   Chris, Rony, and I have gotten questions like this throughout our careers. As younger coaches, we’d stammer through physiological answers.   Well, strength gain typically takes...
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Anil and John ripping some cardio machines in a Vigor class at Beyond Strength

The Muderous Mile Challenge

Have you ever wanted to do a triathlon, but you’re not that strong of a swimmer and the thought of spending $5,000 on a bike makes you want to throw up?    Well, perk up! I’ve got just the thing for you!   It’s called the Murderous Mile.   Now, don’t let the violent name...
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Why Strength Should Be Your Main Focus During the Fall and Winter

There are lots of orange leaves, it’s cold in the morning, and today’s sunset is officially 6:17pm in Sterling, Virginia. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s fall – autumn if you want to be British about it.    As the seasons change, so does our training at Beyond Strength. We spend each season of the year focusing...
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Hiking across the Montana high plains

You’re Not Old, You’re Just Acting Like It

Two of my friends did two profound things within days of each other. These things were different. One was an action and the other was a statement. One was age-defying and the other was a slow walk toward decline, decay, and unhealth. Each illustrated mindset and belief.   “I don’t want to hold you guys...
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Why You Need to Test and Train Power

It was a Tuesday, and it was the worst day of Paul’s life. When you hear why, you might think that Paul’s led a cushy life. Maybe it won’t seem like such a big deal. But remember, we all create our own special hells and relegate ourselves to them. You see, that Tuesday was the...
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Jon training mobility at Beyond Strength gym in Sterling, Virginia

Building Resilience: How Mobility Tests Enhance Your Strength Training

Imagine a sweaty, dirty, grimy hole-in-the-wall gym in a small town deep in the hills of Central Pennsylvania. If you know me, knock about 13 years off of my age and place a 24-year-old Todd in your mind’s eye. I’ll help you. He’s about the same size, but there’s no red beard on his face....
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Relative Strength: What it is, Why We Test it, and How to Build it

Strength matters, you know this, I know this, hell, I bet your Aunt Edna from Altoona, Iowa knows this. But here’s the thing, lots of strength with lots of body weight isn’t the best thing for you. Have a look at the general health of powerlifters and strongman competitors. They ain’t too healthy. Relative strength,...
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Megan Galata: “Can I actually do this?” First Woman to Achieve Black at Beyond Strength

Megan Galata has transformed after two years and change of training at Beyond Strength. Like, big time transformed. She went from never really strength training before to achieving our current highest level of fitness standards, the Black Level. She’s the first woman to do it.   Her journey started with Beyond Strength started with hesitant...
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