(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166


Todd Bumgardner
Anil and John ripping some cardio machines in a Vigor class at Beyond Strength
Have you ever wanted to do a triathlon, but you’re not that strong of a swimmer and the thought of spending $5,000 on a bike makes you want to throw up?    Well, perk up! I’ve got just the thing for you!   It’s called the Murderous Mile.   Now, don’t let the violent name...
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There are lots of orange leaves, it’s cold in the morning, and today’s sunset is officially 6:17pm in Sterling, Virginia. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s fall – autumn if you want to be British about it.    As the seasons change, so does our training at Beyond Strength. We spend each season of the year focusing...
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Hiking across the Montana high plains
Two of my friends did two profound things within days of each other. These things were different. One was an action and the other was a statement. One was age-defying and the other was a slow walk toward decline, decay, and unhealth. Each illustrated mindset and belief.   “I don’t want to hold you guys...
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It was a Tuesday, and it was the worst day of Paul’s life. When you hear why, you might think that Paul’s led a cushy life. Maybe it won’t seem like such a big deal. But remember, we all create our own special hells and relegate ourselves to them. You see, that Tuesday was the...
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Jon training mobility at Beyond Strength gym in Sterling, Virginia
Imagine a sweaty, dirty, grimy hole-in-the-wall gym in a small town deep in the hills of Central Pennsylvania. If you know me, knock about 13 years off of my age and place a 24-year-old Todd in your mind’s eye. I’ll help you. He’s about the same size, but there’s no red beard on his face....
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Strength matters, you know this, I know this, hell, I bet your Aunt Edna from Altoona, Iowa knows this. But here’s the thing, lots of strength with lots of body weight isn’t the best thing for you. Have a look at the general health of powerlifters and strongman competitors. They ain’t too healthy. Relative strength,...
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Megan Galata has transformed after two years and change of training at Beyond Strength. Like, big time transformed. She went from never really strength training before to achieving our current highest level of fitness standards, the Black Level. She’s the first woman to do it.   Her journey started with Beyond Strength started with hesitant...
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Something’s not working. You’ve been training hard; you’ve been training consistently, but you’ve plateaued. Or worse, you haven’t made any progress. You feel like you’ve got the elements of your training in line. You’re strength training. You’re conditioning. You’ve even added mobility training to your regiment. But something isn’t right. You should be a better...
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Injuries suck, but they're not a death sentence
“Pain is a part of life, but suffering is a choice.”   The quote is a paraphrase that’s attributed to a guy folks look up to: the Buddha. Most people think of, and use, the quote in an existential way, not to deal with a sprained ankle or bum shoulder. But physical limitations often lead...
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We focus a heck of a lot on mobility at Beyond Strength. Healthy joints that move well are the foundation of an active life. We layer strength and endurance on top of them, but you ain’t building strength and endurance without healthy joints – at least not with any kind of longevity. So, we build...
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