“If you made a list of people that you trusted would you put your name down?” -NF Have you ever doubted your ability to reach your fitness goals? Ever doubted your ability to follow through on the commitment to go to the gym? Maybe you’ve started and stopped so many diets that you’ve lost motivation...Read More
What are your goals? Most of us have been asked that question before—maybe by friends, employers, a personal trainer. It’s a decent question. It shouldn’t be the last question that gets asked with regard to your goals though. Beyond just declaring what your goal is, there’s another question you should consider: why is achieving this...Read More
A year ago, I was sitting across from a BSP client, who I’ll call Jill, chatting with her about her nutrition, when I noticed she seemed upset. We were discussing what she had been working on and how it was going, and it sounded as if she was crushing it. She was doing everything she...Read More
Beep Beep! “Great, Monday morning. Another day at the office,” you think. Those words were laced with sarcasm of course. As you crawl out of bed you remember: you told yourself you’d go to the gym today. But Monday comes and Monday goes…with no workout. Oh well, you’ll do it the next day. The next...Read More
You want to get a great workout in, to feel stronger, to move towards your goals. But you don’t have any equipment. What do you do? Can you even get stronger without any equipment? Sure, some gyms are open again after being closed down, like Beyond Strength Performance is now, but maybe you’re not comfortable...Read More
Do you find lunges difficult to perform? You heard that they can be beneficial—maybe for fat loss, maybe for muscle gain—but you struggle with them. They feel wobbly. Or just challenging. Well, you’re not alone in feeling that way. Lunges are a challenging movement indeed—learning them doesn’t need to be challenging though. So, what’s the...Read More
Bob Fisher, a member of Beyond Strength for over two years now, is a confident and strong guy. He likes long walks on the baseball field, picking heavy weight up off the floor, and wearing his patriotic Speedo (don’t ask). He’s a fit dude. But he wasn’t always this way. If you saw Bob two...Read More
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” -Mark Twain If I asked you, “Did you know that Australia is a continent?” then you’d most likely answer “yes” with ease. What if I asked you this: “How do you know Australia...Read More
A few weeks ago, I was approached by a client who seemed upset. Not knowing what was going on, I asked how she was doing. This client, who I’ll call Emma, was frustrated, upset, and feeling discouraged; she was in pain. You see, her main goal was to lose body fat; she was upset that...Read More
A few weeks ago, I had someone ask me why their program was written as a full-body routine, instead of a body-part routine. This client had experience with strength training, but in the form of body part splits, so it was a fair question to ask. Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of...Read More