(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166

Megan Galata: “Can I actually do this?” First Woman to Achieve Black at Beyond Strength

Megan Galata has transformed after two years and change of training at Beyond Strength. Like, big time transformed. She went from never really strength training before to achieving our current highest level of fitness standards, the Black Level. She’s the first woman to do it.


Her journey started with Beyond Strength started with hesitant curiosity. Megan has been active her whole life, playing soccer growing up and as a club sport in college. Then she hit the working world. Her job had an onsite gym that offered fitness classes that she attended. And she played adult league soccer one night per week. Then came 2020 and the pandemic. Like you, Megan was knocked out of her normal routine and knew she needed a change to get her moving. Friends were training at Beyond Strength and recommended she come train with us. But she wasn’t sure.


Remember that I said her journey started with hesitant curiosity. See, Megan never strength trained before joining Beyond Strength. She wasn’t sure how it worked, and she didn’t know what kind of impact it would have on her body and her life. Well, she found out.


“I’ve gotten so much stronger in my core, and it’s really improved, just, my physical wellbeing. I feel so much better. I’m not tired. I have so much energy,” Megan said when I asked her how strength training has improved her life. But it’s not just about strength for Megan.


“I’m a mom with kids, so just keeping up with them is a hard enough job as it is. But, now that I have more endurance and strength combined, I just feel better than I’ve ever felt really in my life and I’m almost 40 years old!” (Megan has since celebrated her 40th birthday. Happy Birthday, Megan!) She felt great, but she wanted more. She’s the type of person that likes challenges, she needs a goal to work towards. The Beyond Strength levels were the perfect driver for her.


When she first started at Beyond Strength, she set her sights on the Blue Level, which by any measure makes her fitter and stronger than 99% of the United States population. But as the Blue standards started falling, she realized that achieving Black was within her reach. 


She had to go for it.


Now, as it goes with any good story, Megan walked a tough road to achieve Black. And we’re damn proud of her for walking it. I won’t steal her thunder and tell the story.


Click the video below to hear it from Megan:


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  • Your custom-tailored training program—whether it’s the right kind of deadlift to fit your body or intensity of the exercises during one of our conditioning classes, every aspect of the workout is tailored to fit YOU.
  • 100% coached sessions so that you're not doing this sh*t on your own and always have the certainty you're in the best position to be successful.
  • Simple lifestyle actions and aims, giving you clarity of what to focus on during the other 23 hours.
  • Access to the Beyond Strength training app to keep a running track record of your progress, communicate with your Beyond Strength coaches AND fellow members, and even review videos of YOUR exercises before jumping into classes.
  • The Beyond Strength Member Success Guide, arming you with everything you need to know to improve your strength and endurance and kick your goals in the face (yup, in the face).
  • 35 training sessions to choose from each week.



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You expect to see objective, undeniable results for the work you put in.

We agree.

That’s why we offer a Results Guarantee.

Any gym in the world can create a satisfaction guarantee, which is really just them banking on the fact that most people will be too uncomfortable to speak up and say they aren’t “satisfied”—whatever that means anyways.


What about something real? What about results?


No gym is crazy enough to guarantee results, right?!

We are. And we do.

If you attend at least 85% of your allotted sessions and don’t see at least 3 objective improvements in strength, endurance, mobility, and/or recovery in your first 90 days, we’ll pay the first three months at a gym of your choosing.

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