(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(571) 520-4470 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166

Places to Play Harder: Algonkian Regional Park

I’m starting this party with a seemingly contradictory statement: We’re a gym, but we’re not, like, gym people.


To us, training is a tool that builds our bodies and minds so that we may live the fullest possible life. And while we enjoy training, it’s not entirely an end in itself. It is a means. So, we don’t spend hours in the gym every week just to spend hours in the gym – to stare at ourselves in the gym mirrors and take butt cheek selfies for Instagram. We do it to play harder – to get outside and do fun shit for as long and as hard as we want to do it.


To that end, we’re starting an article series about the places close to home where we go to run, hike, climb, bike, kayak, hunt, fish, and just generally get outside while using our bodies.


First up is a place right here in Sterling: Algonkian Regional Park.




Why We Like It

We live in a big ‘ol suburban sprawl. So, access to open outdoor space is something we’re grateful for. Not every suburb is so lucky. Algonkian sits in our backyard welcoming us away from the noise, the cars, the rush. It gives us a place to move our bodies and rest our minds. We like it for its proximity and its access. But there’s more.



Algonkian is a versatile place. It has trails: it has open grass: it has wildlife: it has water access, and a branch of the Potomac Heritage Trail runs through the park. Hop on the trail and you can go a long dang ways.



What We Do There

Well, we do a lot of things here.


Chris often runs there. He’s logged miles there since he began his ultramarathon prep and continues to run the trails. Right now he’s running for fun and to maintain his fitness. But soon he’ll start training for another ultramarathon he’ll run in November.


When it’s nice out, I’ll grab a kettlebell or two and head there for a workout. I’ll do circuits of swings, carries, squats, presses, and rows. While I love training at the gym, sometimes I just need to be outside. The open grass at Algonkian offers a place to get it in while being outside.




Another favorite of mine is heading there to walk for recovery. I’ll hop on the trail and meander at an easy pace, my camera slung on my shoulder. If I see interesting frames, or catch some wildlife, I’ll snap some shots. I often see birdwatchers there with their high-magnification lenses waiting for a bird to perch in just the right way.


The trails also offer a nice place for rucking. I’ll strap around 20% to 30% of my body weight on my back and move down the trail at a speedy pace. It’s great terrain for getting rucking volume in before heading out to variable terrain.


Sometimes Chris and I grab fishing rods and head there to wet a line for a while. It’s easy to fish from the bank, but there are spots where it’s possible to hop in and wade. If you’re after a low-stress place to do some casting, head to Algonkian.


There’s a boat launch as well. Sometimes Chris drops in and fishes, other times he and Jess take their stand up paddle boards out to play. Just watch out, on busy weekends there also happen to be a lot of jet skis zipping around.




Check Out Algonkian

Grab some workout gear or just your sneakers and head down to Algonkian. It’s a great place to get outside, a great oasis in the middle of suburbia. Swing by Beyond Strength on the way. There’s a good chance we’ll head out with you!


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