(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166

Stop trying so hard.  That’s it.  You can stop reading right now.  That’s all there is to conquering whatever your goals may be…

Hey! Why are you still reading?

You want more?  Okay, I’ll expand…


Show Up

Show up.  Every day.  Show up so minimally that no one even notices.

Pick something that will lead you even the slightest bit closer to your goal.

That you know you can dominate, but it’s too easy.


Let’s use weight loss as a goal.  Pick either exercise or nutrition.

Now, pick just ONE THING within exercise or nutrition and make a change in a positive direction.

Maybe in the beginning you choose nutrition.  What’s too easy?

You could start with paying attention to how your body feels after you eat.  That’s it.





Write it down.  We’re done here.

Whatever you choose, don’t over-complicate it.


Do a little more

Not right away.  Be easy for a bit.  Maybe two weeks.

Using the example above, stop eating/drinking the things that make you feel like crap.

Do this while continuing to write things down.  React to what you feel.

Too easy?  Good.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day” – ancient French proverb


Keep the cycle going

No matter what, continue to show up.  Continue to make tiny changes.  Tiny changes earn interest.

Imagine if you made 20 tiny changes over a year…

Pick nutrition off the bat?  Try to change something with exercise next.

I don’t want to make your list for you, but just think-

“What tiny changes can I make, that will make all the difference?”

Do those.


They want you to think it’s hard

Everyone is trying to sell you something.  21-90 days to whatever your goal is.  It’s all B.S.

I’m sorry- but that stuff is not you.

Ask yourself this one question.

Can I see myself doing this for the long haul?

No?  Then why waste your time now?


Now, that’s not to say that some of these things can’t be a good challenge now and again.

But don’t make them your fix-all.


Find the things that are too easy.  The things that will make a difference over the long haul.

Most people I meet who tell me they’ve done those DVD’s with names that sound like torture are still not happy.

It’s too hard.

“I was in great shape when I did that, but I’m worse off now…”

It doesn’t need to be like that!


So what can you do today?

Here’s a few ideas to get you started.

Learn something new.

Here’s a video to help you understand the difference between the squat and hinge.

Get really good at these two things and you’ll save your back/knees in whatever avenue you choose to exercise.

Walk daily.

Well that’s too easy you say?  Good!  But how much time are you spending tied to your desk?

Get up!  Walk.  Stretch.  Move.  Get outside!

Eat more vegetables.

Just like your parents told you.  Now do it!

Drink more water.

I love my coffee and the occasional energy drink- okay beer and wine too… but you should be drinking a lot of water.

Every day.

Join a gym that’s more of a community.

Hey, that’s us!  But we’re not the only ones… even locally!  Sure, I’d love for you join us- but it’s got to be the right fit for YOU.  If we aren’t it, find one that is!

Heck, stop by and let’s chat—and we can even tell you about the other local gyms that we believe would do right by you.

If you show up to the gym regularly and they don’t know your name (for starters)- move on.  That’s as basic as it gets right there.

Get a little more out of your comfort zone.

Not a lot.  A little.

Working out new to you?  Cool, start small!  That might be two days a week, for less than an hour (we’ve got that!)

Nutrition need a lot of work?  Okay, make one tiny change.  We can help with that too.

Then, when you’re ready, do a liiiiiiittle more.

Show up.

Whatever you choose.  Do it.  Every day.

If you miss a day, so what.

Show up tomorrow.

If you’re still there in a year, making teeny, tiny changes- the results will be massive.

Just show up.


We know you’ve tried other gyms, diet programs, and the like in your lifetime.  You’re hesitant, concerned that this might just be another start and stop affair, and you’re unsure about committing to yet another fitness program only to waste hundreds of dollars—again.  At the same time, the stress of wanting more for yourself coupled with a lack of certainty about what to actually do to get there is also costing you a great deal.  We get it, and that’s why we start you with a FREE WEEK to experience the BSP NOVA difference.

1-on-1 Assessment & Goal-Setting Session to Strategize Your Success Plan ($100 value)
Personal Orientation to Help You Hit the Ground Running with Your Strength & Fat Loss Training ($100 value)
Up to 3 Small Group Personal Training Sessions with a Fitness Program Designed for YOU and YOUR GOALS ($84 value)
Up to 3 Metabolic Conditioning Classes to Boost Energy, Improve Your Cardio, and Burn Fat ($44 value)
Pocket Nutrition Guide + Access to Our Nutrition Coaching Group to Simplify Eating ($80 value)
Compression Therapy Session to Boost Your Recovery ($20 value)
About the author

Strength Coach/ B.S. Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University/ Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist/ FMS/ Strong First Level 1 Certified Kettlebell Instructor/ Owner of Beyond Strength Performance, LLC, Beyond Strength Performance NOVA, LLC, and Beyond Strength Performance Tactical, LLC
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