(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166


“I’ve tested my limits and smashed goals”

Heather Blair

I was burned out physically and mentally and just unmotivated to get into a gym and DO anything about it.  Within my first month, my attitude totally changed and I found myself looking forward to walking through the doors at BSP – it really did become my “happy place”!!  I love that the coaches take the time to check in with you and help you identify your goals, not just during your initial consultation, but for every single workout.  Because of BSP, I’ve tested my limits and smashed goals that a year ago I would have thought impossible – and had fun doing it!!

“My wife and I have a successful training business and still trust in the coaches at BSP…”

Mike De Vivo

The coach’s coaches reside here. My wife and I have a successful training business and still trust in the coaches at BSP to keep us on track. Better than expected every time. BSPNOVA is the best.

“90 days in so far and I feel like my strength and stamina have skyrocketed”

Kevin Wells

90 days in so far and I feel like my strength and stamina have skyrocketed back to levels that are inspiring me to keep coming back. I’m learning a new style of training that is filling in a lot of the gaps I had before. My core and stabilizing muscles have improved, and I feel stronger in general. BSP coaches are vigilant about watching my form, so I rarely end up feeling sore and I haven’t injured myself while stacking more and more weight on the bar every week.

“The level of accomplishment I felt was awesome”

Jane Williams

I had my work cut out for me, trying to pass a very specific fitness test. I worked on my own and did not make the needed progress. I caused further discomfort to nagging injuries and increased my level of frustration, bringing my confidence down. I knew I needed guidance and took the plunge to join BSP. What a great decision. The initial consultation was thorough and all of the information and data gathered was used to draw up a very specific plan just for me. Everything at BSP is catered to what you want and need. The coaches are positive, humorous, and incredibly motivating. I was not convinced that I would ever pass the test, but I did! The level of accomplishment I felt was awesome and I felt like I had a whole group of people cheering me on as I went.

LL flexing at BSP NOVA in Sterling, Virginia at 21620 Ridgetop Circle

“BSP has helped me to strengthen my weaknesses and unearth a body that moves more efficiently and with less pain.”

Laura Lacroix-Johnson, aka "LL"

“Prior to working with BSP NOVA, my absolute biggest challenge was training for and running a marathon. I was outside of my comfort zone, and while I was amazed at what I could accomplish, I was also humbled when injury due to muscle weakness, repetitive movement, and imbalances made an already difficult challenge turn excruciatingly painful.

BSP has helped me to strengthen my weaknesses and unearth a body that moves more efficiently and with less pain. I have a newfound love of not being constantly injured and feeling and looking stronger!

I tell everyone, you’re not just signing up for a regular gym membership, you’re making an investment in finding your strongest, healthiest self. You’re going to be taught what to do to work on your specific needs and goals, learn what your body needs to function at its best, overcome injuries, look great and feel stronger.

Why do I stay? For the gains!”

“…the energy is infectious!”

Jennifer Dugan

I enjoy the camaraderie, encouragement, and laughter when working out with a group—the energy is infectious! The lunch time class gives me the boost I need to get me through the afternoon slump!

“… in my first 6-8 months at BSP I dropped down from 212 to about 165.”

Bob Fisher

I’ve been with BSP NOVA for about a year and a half. Without a doubt, I’m stronger now than I have ever been in my life — way stronger. I’m in arguably the best shape of my life, healthier than I can ever remember, and better on-field than I’ve been in over a decade. I used to struggle with constant knee pain and shoulder pain during baseball and softball season (while playing on 2 softball teams and 1 baseball team); last year I played on 4 softball teams and the baseball team, and experienced far less pain than I ever had before. If numbers are your thing, in my first 6-8 months or so at BSP, I dropped down from 212 to about 165. In the year since then, I’ve been steadily packing on muscle, and currently sit at a lean 195 (~16% body fat). When I run into people I haven’t seen in a while, their reactions range from “wow” to “what the hell have you been doing?!”, and I gotta be honest — that feels great.

“I have more energy, and more confidence in my ability…”

Dee Sampson

I had goals that I wasn’t achieving with the training I was doing, so I decided to schedule a consult. That day changed my life. I’ve been training at BSP for over 2 years now, and not only did I achieve those early goals I set, but I’ve bypassed them. I’ve gained strength, and no longer am bothered by nagging injuries. I have more energy, and more confidence in my ability to get even stronger. I’ve also found a new family!

Jackie Dolan celebrating her success with BSP NOVA in Sterling, Virginia

“I’ve never been in one place with so many people that are allies and champions for each other, coming from so many different places with so many different goals.”

Jackie Dolan

“Prior to joining BSP NOVA, I totally got into a slump. I wasn’t feeling motivated, I was doing very passive workouts that weren’t making a difference mentally or physically, and I felt old, fat, and tired—not at all like myself! I would randomly lift at the gym, but there was no structure or consistency to make progress, so it felt pretty pointless, and I’m sure I wasn’t building an effective routine the few days I would go work out.

Since coming back (I was a member years ago before moving out of the area), I’m in a happy place… Workouts are fun, I love that each program is like its own mini-challenge to push through, and I can see progress every time I read my sheet (even if it’s small changes in weights lifted going up). I’m no longer bored or writing off workouts because there’s that feeling of “whatever, I can do it later, it’s just the gym”.

The community is unreal. I’ve never been in one place with so many people that are allies and champions for each other, coming from so many different places with so many different goals.

And of course, the coaches are awesome and help build a supportive environment that’s incredibly welcoming and realistic. I’ve never felt pressure to be perfect, only encouragement to be mindful of decisions so I can make better ones to reach my own goals.

The camaraderie from coaches and members alike is something I’ve never felt so naturally anywhere else—it’s just there without being forced upon you. I’ve never seen someone walk out of BSP unhappy, even when I know we’ve all come in on rough days a time or two and wanted to be anywhere else.

I could gush on and on… but if you want a judgement-free place where you can set your own pace for progress and have a ridiculous amount of knowledge and resources to help, this is it!”

“It’s really cool to see your personal progression through each program cycle.”

Randi Dean

It’s really cool to see your personal progression through each program cycle. I have gained cardio endurance, muscle and a lot of f****** (can I say that?) hilarious stories with my gym family.

“…it is not even close to my house. Yet, I would make the drive, even double, to keep this lifestyle up.”

Jennifer Alkhayat

Prior to BSP NOVA I was at a point where I was just getting back into shape, but kept getting hurt…

Years ago, after I had my kids, I was doing a ton of running, swimming, biking, and lifting and I was in great shape. Quite a few years later, when I turned 40, I was able to confidently say I was in the best shape of my life, only to herniate 2 discs just one month later and become unable to do practically anything for 9 months. When I healed from my injury I was still having a hard time getting back on track. I gained weight and had the mentality of, “I’m over 40, I’m never gonna get back to where I was, why bother?”

My friend, who “knows everything” told me to try out BSP, explaining “they are absolutely the best.” Of course I doubted him because I had been to all kinds of trainers, took all kinds of classes, and was running a million races. I thought to myself, “What can these guys teach me?” Right from day one I realized how different they were and I was hooked.

Now, 3 years into training with BSP NOVA, I have never felt stronger, and I honestly work out half of the time I used to. They have helped me organize and prioritize my goals, internal contests have reignited my inner fire and made me accomplish things I never thought I could, and I have added yoga to my practice—which I have been trying to do for over 10 years. It is the consistency and support of BSP NOVA that has helped me accomplish this. BSP has helped me organize my life and get a handle on things, rather than letting things handle me.

Did I mention, it is not even close to my house. Yet, I would make the drive, even double, to keep this lifestyle up. The thought of going anywhere else doesn’t even cross my mind.

“Every time I go in I feel like I’m with family…”

James Neville

This gym has absolutely changed my life for the better. I’ve lost over 50 pounds and gained so much muscle and cardio. Every time I go in I feel like I’m with family and the instructors are constantly helping me get better.

“… I feel better at 50 than I did in my later 30’s and 40’s.”

Brian McNicholas

When I began with BSP in September of 2018, I was not in terrible shape but I wanted a new way to work out with much more variety and accountability. I wasn’t looking to work out like Superman, I just wanted to feel a bit better and stronger. Yes I’m soon to be 51 years old and while I still have my aches and pains, they are so much less than they used to be! On that note, for many years I had regular and uncomfortable low back pain episodes, some days much worse than others. I believe as a result of my deadlifting, squats and core work at BSP, I am simply in better shape and my back is younger than it used to be. While I didn’t join BSP to lose weight, I am happy to share that for the first time in at least 4 years, I now weigh under 200lbs! Bottom line is with the help of BSP NOVA I feel like I have turned back the clock and I feel better at 50 than I did in my later 30’s and 40’s.

“First time in last 4 years I got a call from my Doctor’s office stating that ‘EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL’.”

Jasmin Nirwal

“My primary goal with 16 Weeks of Fat Loss Nutrition Coaching was to lower down my blood sugar level and secondary goal was to lose weight and body fat percentage. I had borderline diabetes.

With this program, I have been able to build healthy eating habits. I am honestly not torturing myself by staying away from food I love, but I am able to make conscious decisions on what to cheat on, the portion size, and the frequency of it.

I recently got my blood test done and results were amazing. First time in last 4 years I got a call from my Doctor’s office stating that “EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL”. My A1C (sugar level) level dropped down to 5.4 from 6.3. So far lost 13 lbs (lost an extra pound from my goal weight when I joined BSP), lost inches.

I decided to stick with this program for a 2nd session because it keeps me motivated and accountable. I feel great, energetic, motivated, confident.

Of course BSP has the best coaches—I can keep raving about it the whole day long without a pause. Lol. (Ask my coworkers). Thanks to all the coaches to make the place feel like home, sharing their most positive vibes around, always motivating me to push myself and lift more, and correct my form. I would have never known how much I can actually lift if coaches wouldn’t have motivated me to do so. And all of them are so much fun. Coming to gym feels like ‘happy hour’ to me, for which I am always excited. Unlike earlier (before BSP) when I used to feel it as a “To-do task”. With training at BSP and the nutrition program, I am seeing results and progress every single day.”

“Now 51, I am in better shape than I was 10 years ago when I retired from the Army.”

Craig Greene

I joined BSP almost 3 years ago and it was the best decision I have made for taking care of my body. Now 51, I am in better shape than I was 10 years ago when I retired from the Army. BSP has helped me address lower back, shoulder and hip issue that would make it a challenge for me to execute daily around the house chores. My son originally joined to get professional help for weightlifting for High School football. The experience he received was much more than we ever expected which prompted me to join and now my wife is a member. It is not your standard big box gym and they treat you like family. If I am on work travel or can’t get a scheduled wok out, I now feel like I have missed a crucial part of my day.

“…working out does not feel like a chore anymore!”

Sriram Venkatachalam

My strength and cardiovascular endurance has improved significantly, and, more importantly, working out does not feel like a chore anymore! I love the community aspect of the workouts because you can see others struggle, sweat, and make progress with you. I now have a much better appreciation for how little time I need to fit a great workout into my schedule!

“I’m frequently asking myself “who am I?” because of these changes.”

Jim Khoury

Before BSP, I had subpar fitness and physical stamina—I would get winded running up a set of stairs at home. I had no desire to exercise, eat better, or even surround myself with people in that world.

Now, I’m in the best shape of my life. I follow a regular workout/training regimen that, if missed, I lament. I’m stronger. I’m more fit. I have endurance. Physical exertion doesn’t wear me out. I have more overall energy. I sleep better. And most importantly, I’m aware of choices I make and how they will impact my goals. I’m frequently asking myself “who am I?” because of these changes.

The biggest benefits I’ve seen from training with BSP are strength and endurance, but I also continue to receive lots of compliments on my transformation and that puts me on cloud 9 because it validates the work put in and is a huge confidence booster. This gym is like none other and you won’t be disappointed when you join!

Dave Hudgens deadlifting at BSP NOVA in Sterling, Virginia

“Now 47, I’m confident and proud to take my shirt off at the beach or pool.”

Dave Hudgens

“I was forty-six and under a great deal of stress when I returned to BSP NOVA in January of 2018, and scared that results would take much longer. My main motivation was to get to the gym to clear my head, but I also wanted to look and feel better.

Therapy for my mental health was an option, but I find more clarity in exercise than I ever did talking to someone. Regular gym memberships are great too… if you’re a very disciplined person, know a broad variety of exercises to keep things interesting, and you understand how the body works so you’re not hurting yourself.

Commitment is often the biggest hurdle for people—because it seems like such a life change—and it was no different for me. But the programs and people at BSP NOVA have kept me coming back.

My mental health is visible in that my spirit is brighter and, now forty-seven years old, I’m confident and proud to take my shirt off at the beach or pool. I feel healthy and on top of my game.

If you’re getting to BSP NOVA three times a week for an hour and working through your programs in one month or less, you’re going to see and feel the results quickly. Most of the same faces have been there throughout my most recent enrollment and we’ve all watched one another improve—which helps you stay motivated. Everyone is in it for the same reasons and rooting each other on.

The workouts cater to your athletic ability, your age, your physical condition, and your specific goals. Whether that’s working around injuries, strength building, or muscle tone and definition, the BSP NOVA team knows how to get you there. The trainers are college educated and have a great deal of knowledge about the human body and how to train it, not just a bunch of gym-rat, muscle-heads. At my age I occasionally aggravate a muscle playing extra-curricular sports or am sometimes guilty of lifting too much. When that occurs the BSP NOVA trainers revise my program to provide rehabilitation and those efforts have worked time and time again.

I will always want to improve, but at forty-seven years old my strength, endurance, and physique are above average. Even if I’m fooling myself, that’s a win. I’m addicted to the gym but in a healthy way. Working out is my #1 stress-reliever and now I fear the day I’d ever have to give it up. It’s a lifestyle.

The programs at BSP NOVA will get you results, so the faster you get there, the sooner you’ll realize your goals.”

“BSP has done wonders for my bad back as well as helped renew my enthusiasm for working out.”

Jeremy Brown

BSP has done wonders for my bad back (degenerative disc) as well as helped renew my enthusiasm for working out. The customized workouts and excellent trainer to athlete ratio are some other key reasons for my enthusiasm for Beyond Strength and Performance as well as its trainers.

“I never dreamed in a million years that I’d be the kind of person who would be excited about working out.”

Kristin Talastas

I never dreamed in a million years that I’d be the kind of person who would be excited about working out. BSP changed everything for me. I used to go to the gym and wander back and forth between the treadmill and the stair-climber. I had no experience with weights, knew nothing about strength training, and didn’t know a barbell from a kettlebell. When I first joined I was clueless and worried that I’d feel intimidated. I didn’t – I felt empowered! I had no idea how strong I could be! Honestly, BSP is more than a gym for me – over the past 2+ years it has become a family and a major part of my life.

Natasha doing battling ropes at BSP NOVA located at 21620 Ridgetop Circle STE 100 in Sterling, Virginia

“Unlike other gyms, they have an amazing and large community of women who work out.”


“In my work with previous trainers and nutrition experts, there was an all or nothing approach that exacerbated my perfectionist tendencies. I would do so “good” with completely eliminating “bad” things like carbs or whatever, or complete a juice cleanse and then completely fall off the wagon because I couldn’t sustain the diet. One of the greatest lessons I have learned from the BSP coaches is that perfection is the enemy of good. I love their realistic, long-term approach to training and nutrition, and it has helped me connect my training to my bigger core values of fun, service to others, and healthy mind, body and soul. This has helped create sustainability in my training and nutrition journey, as well as stopped the cycle of perfection, failure and guilt.

Any day I get to go to BSP NOVA is a great day. When I first started, I was amazed at the intentionality and their commitment to improving themselves and the lives of those that they work with. It was amazing to find a gym that was so ideologically aligned with my core values. I not only feel like I am getting amazing coaching, but the coaches actually care about my physical and life goals. Unlike other gyms, they have an amazing and large community of women who work out. It has been a joy meeting other goal-oriented women who support each other in their fitness and career goals. The other day while working out another female member approached me and said, “That sled-pull looks really strong, Natasha. Great job.” I realized it was the first time in a long time that I had received a compliment from another woman that was not based on what I was wearing or how I looked. Those are the kind of people I want to be around every day. I feel so reinvigorated after a workout, not only because I have had an excellent workout, but also because I am surrounded by positive people. �
Training at BSP has helped me show up in a bigger way in all aspects of life. I think when you feel strong physically, you feel strong mentally. In my professional life, I started to see myself as a leader. In turn, this gave me the confidence to speak out when I felt I needed to and to go for certain promotions and programs that before I felt to overwhelmed to approach. At the gym itself, I was so proud when I hit 2 strength standards for deadlifts and squats 2 days in a row! I felt like superwoman.

There is no other gym that will take the time to get to know you like BSP does. Oftentimes, we think of just working out. But there is so much more to what BSP has to offer. It is life coaching. Everyone needs a cheerleader and someone who will challenge you and call you out on your BS—that’s what BSP coaches do. There’s a reason you work out that is bigger than just “I want to look good.” BSP will help you discover that reason and the honing of that internal compass will be cause for big, lasting life changes.

Don’t waste your time, money or energy anywhere else! This place is worth every penny and every single person who walks through those doors is a gem of a person that you should get to know!”

“This is the best gym, period.”

Smita Lal

This is the best gym, period. They’ve helped me recover with injury, during pregnancy, recover post-baby, and are all around awesome. A community cornerstone, and kick as coaches who know what they are doing makes for an unbeatable combo. I literally recommend them to everyone!

“BSP has done wonders for my herniated discs and arthritis”

Debbie Breeden

Before joining I had very little experience with free weights; “gains” and “goals” were just words that I never really thought about. BSP has done wonders for my herniated discs and arthritis- I am stronger, I have overcome injury, I have increased my range of motion, and my self-confidence has grown. My life has changed for the better…such a great feeling!  Joining the BSP family was the best decision for me. 

“I was bored and burnt out with regular workouts…”

Melissa G.

Do it. Just do it. The best thing I have done for myself was walking through the door to have my consultation and I haven’t looked back. I was bored and burnt out with regular workouts, which mainly consisted of some light weights and the tread mill. I was in a rut and not at all interested with going to the gym. After 9 months with BSP I am in love with heavy lifting! My whole outlook on going to the gym and fitness has completely changed. I am able to do things I never thought were possible and my mental state has changed as well. I am more focused in all areas of my life due to my successes thus far at BSP. It is more than just a gym. The people I have met have become like family, as if we have known each other for years. I feel encouraged and empowered. The trainers take the “guess work” out of working out, so you always know you are doing exactly what you need and should be doing and you’re working towards something as well.
Joining BSP made my 2018 the best year I have had in the past 10 years. Between pushing myself physically, making new friends and doing things I have literally never done ever, it has been such a great over all experience.



You expect to see objective, undeniable results for the work you put in.

We agree.

That’s why we offer a Results Guarantee.

Any gym in the world can create a satisfaction guarantee, which is really just them banking on the fact that most people will be too uncomfortable to speak up and say they aren’t “satisfied”—whatever that means anyways.


What about something real? What about results?


No gym is crazy enough to guarantee results, right?!

We are. And we do.

If you attend at least 85% of your allotted sessions and don’t see at least 3 objective improvements in strength, endurance, mobility, and/or recovery in your first 90 days, we’ll pay the first three months at a gym of your choosing.



  • Your custom-tailored training program—whether it’s the right kind of deadlift to fit your body or intensity of the exercises during one of our conditioning classes, every aspect of the workout is tailored to fit YOU.
  • 100% coached sessions so that you're not doing this sh*t on your own and always have the certainty you're in the best position to be successful.
  • Simple lifestyle actions and aims, giving you clarity of what to focus on during the other 23 hours.
  • Access to the Beyond Strength training app to keep a running track record of your progress, communicate with your Beyond Strength coaches AND fellow members, and even review videos of YOUR exercises before jumping into classes.
  • The Beyond Strength Member Success Guide, arming you with everything you need to know to improve your strength and endurance and kick your goals in the face (yup, in the face).
  • 35 training sessions to choose from each week.



Book your free intro.



We'll lay out a plan for you and your goals.


Build a body that's ready for anything.


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